Special message from John Jacob Schmidt:

I’ve been prayerfully approaching how to handle this whole thing that has turned into a crap-storm in the patriot community.  I do NOT believe this (drone threat) is a plausible course of action that the US Government would take at this point in time.  I’ve agonized over even posting this information and there has been backlash from both those who believe the information should be disseminated and those who believe we lose credibility by posting the report.  So, the consensus, as with any other bomb threat is to treat it like it is real and then investigate thoroughly.

Stewart Rhodes himself has repeatedly declared that this could be a lot of disinformation designed to undermine our credibility.  So, we all proceed with a great deal of skepticism.

Since I put the posting in ‘Draft’ mode this morning while praying and seeking counsel on how to proceed, there has been an outcry from people who are thinking something sneaky and sinister is going on and are now wondering “What did the interview say!?  What are you hiding!?”  Absolutely ridiculous.

I just wish Christ would come back and level this sick world.

I’ll tell you something, patriots.  You’d better stop tearing each other apart or we’re gonna lose this fight.

Below is the original posting and audio file, for the curious onlookers.


Note from JJS:  Personally, I call “BS” on this supposed source.   The story screams ‘set up’ and ‘operation whack-a-mole’.  I understand this administration already thinks it can legally kill someone, without a trial, and their lemmings have referred to the patriots as “domestic terrorists,”  but I believe someone (possibly in the Obama Administration), like a school kid, pulled the school fire alarm just to see what would happen.


Information has reportedly been leaked from the Department of Defense, where the AG Eric Holder is said to have given the green light for a drone strike against the Bundy Ranch under the auspices of  ‘Domestic Terror.’  The confirmation and vetting process is ongoing, but just in case the leaked information is true, patriots on the ground in Bunkerville are taking precautionary measures.  The goal is to avert a strike by spreading the planned intentions far and wide among the patriot community.

A drone strike intended to “kill everybody in the designated attack zone, and to sanitize the area to make sure there would be no video or audio evidence of the attack” – As quoted from the reporting party.

The following is a recorded interview with Stewart Rhodes, President of Oathkeepers, and Oathkeepers member ‘Mack’, a retired intelligence specialist working with the reporting party.