Patriot Rep. Matt Shea Under Attack for Representing Our Values!

Rep Matt SheaFellow patriots,

Straight to the point. One of the very few patriots that we have in an elected position is under attack from a sickening, deceitful smear campaign by his opponent.  Washington State Representative (Dist. 4), Matt Shea is under attack where a woman in a restaurant ‘happened’ to be sitting in a nearby booth and overheard Rep Matt Shea and Oathkeepers founder Stewart Rhodes debriefing the Bundy Ranch incident.  She called the Spokane Sheriff’s Counter-terrorism Task Force (If you see something – or feel like taking someone else’s conversation out of context, be a snitch – Say Something) to report things she overheard.

This is all being driven by Rep. Matt Shea’s opponent, who is a left-wing RINO. He has a strong disdain toward Rep. Shea and everything he stands for, such as the Constitution and freedom and God. He commonly refers to Rep. Shea as an “extremist” and “radical.” These are the days we’re living in when patriots are scorned and hated. His opponent (Josh Arritola) expressed his ‘concern’ to KXLY News 4 in Spokane, over Matt’s ‘affiliation’ with groups committed to defending the constitution and honoring their oaths.

His opponent is quoted as saying of Matt, “His continued association and support of violent militias does not reflect the values of the citizens of Spokane County…”

The slithering snake is his opponent, Josh Arritola, for these dirty, stinking, Saul Alinsky/communist-style defamation tactics. These are the tactics of the left. Right out of the playbook of the enemies of Americanism. My plea for you is to step up, be patriots, and support a man who has proven himself worthy of it.

FIRST STEP… PRAY! For Rep. Shea, for protection, and for the hearts and minds of the citizens in Spokane Valley, WA that they can see through the lies of this hater of Americanism.

  1.  Go to the article at

  2. Bombard the comments, letter to editor, with your voice of support and your disgust at the smear tactics of Arritola.

  3. Tell them that he DOES reflect the values of those who cherish more freedom, and less government interference in our lives, and we all appreciate a statesman who took his pledge to honor his oath seriously.

  4. Spread the word and ask for help on all social media (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc.)

  5. Be bold and assertive, but act professionally. Be courteous, but resolute in your support for Rep. Shea.

Blitz KXLY News 4 with overwhelming support for Rep. Shea!

This is a fight for our existence, patriots. This is our home turf. This is the American Redoubt and ilk such as Arritola do not belong here. PLEASE, regardless of where you live, let your voices be heard!

In your service, and in the fight for Americanism,

-John Jacob Schmidt



  1. Matt is a decorated combat Veteran who served for 10 years fighting terrorists.   His opponent served only 2 years of his apparent 4-year enlistment and never went to the Middle East.

  1. As a previous youtube video exposed his opponent has been having Matt and his family followed.  His opponent’s campaign manager was caught secretly video recording Matt.  This picture also taken clandestinely was not random.  In fact, the woman’s suspicious behavior was reported to Matt’s personal security detail.

  1. Do you think Rep. Shea would have been endorsed by law enforcement (WACOPs) if there was any truth to this?

  1. The latest polls show Rep. Shea’s opponent down 5 to 1, THIS IS AN ACT OF DESPERATION!

  2. Matt’s opponent is a man who despite being over 30 years old – only registered to vote last year.  Spokane County Auditor Records

  3. He is a man who is friends with Amy Biviano, Matt Shea’s 2012 liberal Democrat opponent.

  4. He is a man who describes himself as “Pro-Life” – yet identifies himself with the most “Pro-Choice” Republican Organizations in this state.  Mainstream Republicans Endorsed and he attended their Cascade Conference and he is endorsed by Slade Gorton.