This is a guest post written by ‘Mr. Mason’ and originally posted at Ed That Matters.

A storm has arrived.  You watch the TV news, you read the newspapers, and you look around your neighborhood. You see what has happened in the past twenty years and in the past twenty days.  Most people are too busy working jobs, raising children and paying bills to do anything about the storm overhead—some of us are too old or we have families now—for whatever reason, we are no longer able to take a stand—but there are still things that we can do.

Did you see the 1984 movie titled Red Dawn? In that movie, several boys from the local town narrowly escape the invasion.  Three of the boys (Jed, Matt and Robert) return to their hometown at a later time to see what is happening there.  They visit the shops, stores  and the re-education camp, and then leave at night.  Early the next morning (27 minutes into the movie), we see the boys cautiously approaching Mr. Mason’s farm in the foothills away from the town. (Link goes to video scene)  The boys go to Mr. Mason’s farm because their families have all known each other for years.  Mr. Mason happily opens the door and ushers the boys inside.  The boys willingly give their loaded rifles to Mr. Mason who unloads them and leans them against a wall.  The boys gave up their guns because they have known the Masons for years and trust them completely.  Mrs. Mason gets hot drinks for the boys while Mr. Mason sits down with the teens to share news about the town, the invasion and the war. “…you’re forty miles behind enemy lines…”  Behind Mr. Mason is a wall that supports many shelves of canned food.  Mr. Mason gives Robert a battery powered radio, and Robert tries to refuse the valuable gift, but Mr. Mason waves his hand to quiet Robert and says, “I’ve got another…” The point here is that the Mason’s are totally prepared for the current crisis and they even have a few extras too. At one point in the scene, Mr. Mason tells the boys  “…if you ever need food, a bed, if you need anything, you come HERE.” Then Mr. Mason gives his two granddaughters, Toni and Erica, to fight with the resistance group. Obviously this is something that no Grandfather would ever do unless he totally and completely trusted the boys.  Mason also tells the boys that he doesn’t want to know where the girls are going.  Presumably, this is so Mason cannot give away the Wolverine’s hiding place if he is ever discovered or captured.  At the end of the scene, Mr. Mason provides them with horses, gives Jed a box of ammunition for his rifle, and sends them all into the mountains. Mr. Mason’s farm became a safe house and possibly a depot on an underground railroad for the Wolverines.

There is a precedent for creating safe houses and underground railroads throughout history. The Hebrew spies stayed at Rahab’s house in Jericho, the Underground Railroad of the Civil War, and the French Underground of World War II.

Here is how it works:  You live a quiet, peaceful life that never attracts the attention of the authorities, just as you always have.  You go to work, pay your bills, take vacations, and send holiday & birthday cards as normal.  Your life never changes and you don’t make any trouble for anyone.  Becoming a safe house is easy, you simply open your door when someone knocks, and no one ever has to know.

Sometimes, that is all that your guest will need—just a place to hide for a short period of time, and then they can leave on their own.  Sometimes, they need a means of escape.  You can’t hide the guest in your home forever.  A collection of loosely organized safe houses becomes an underground railroad that can move people and/or equipment within your city, across your county, or to another state.  You can move freely because the authorities believe that you are harmless and no threat to them. You help good people and maybe equipment get into, and out of, your area. You do it quietly, and no one ever has to know about it.

How often would you have guests? No one can answer that question. Many of the waypoints on the underground railroad during the Civil War were established but were never used.  It is entirely possible that none of us will ever be called upon to actually do this—but it is better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.  After all, your pastor, their family, other Believers, Patriots, Freedom Fighters, or even *YOU* may be the person who needs safe passage out of your area.

Other options are available too.  Your backyard or a nearby forest could become an equipment drop point.  You might stop along a lonely country road in the late evening, gently place a small box on the ground at mile-marker 13, and then drive away without looking back.  You might hold church meetings in your home or basement after your religion is declared illegal and an arrest warrant is issued for your pastor(s).

If you should choose to become a Mr. Mason, then you are strongly encouraged to find other Mr. Mason’s from your family, friends and neighbors in your local area and in distant cities and build your own network(s) of safe houses and underground railroads with those people—especially in your local area because the future might bring the restricting of public utilities, communications and travel.  You may be cut off from faraway places, and only be able to help people within your city or county.  Building a railroad at this time is no more difficult than copying and sending this text to everyone who might agree to do this with you, and then wait for their answer.  If they agree, then encourage them to contact their like-minded family, friends and neighbors and ask them to consider it too.  Please understand that this is not a militia and no violence is involved in this at all.  Safe houses and underground railroads function best in quiet civility, secrecy and without anything that draws the attention of the authorities. You should know that there is danger involved, because the Oppressors will say that it is illegal to operate safe houses and underground railroads, and there will be penalties for such activity.  But if we ever have to do this, then most of the laws will already be illegal by that time, and freedom isn’t free.

Originally, I contacted Todd Sepulveda and asked him to discuss this topic on his website. He encouraged me to write about it instead, and so I did. I completed the research and discovered that Jefferson Mack has already written how-to books on this and related topics.

Invisible Resistance To Tyranny
Secret Freedom Fighter: Fighting Tyranny Without Terrorizing the Innocent
The Safe House: Setting Up & Running Your Own Sanctuary

Please feel free to copy this story and pass it along to anyone who is awake and aware.  Safe houses and underground railroads should be established before they are needed, and the time is growing shorter each day.

-‘Mr. Mason’